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Hello semua, kali ini saya akan mereview atau resume ulang materi tentang Sosial Politik mulai dari pertemuan kedua sampai dengan pertemuan kita yang ke 10. Sebelum saya memulai saya akan mengenalkan diri saya, saya adalah Miraj Firda Adam mahasiswa Universitas Gunadarma kelas 1 EA 31.

1.      Minggu Kedua
Pada pertemuan di Minggu kedua Sosial Politik membahas tentang Proses Sosiologi & Interaksi Sosiologi, secara singkat akan saya bahas sebagai berikut:
                  a.            Proses Sosial
Proses sosial adalah cara-cara berhubungan yang dilihat apabila orang-orang dan kelompok-kelompok sosial saling bertemu dan menentukan sistem serta bentuk-bentuk hubungan tersebut atau apa yang akan terjadi apabila ada perubahan-perubahan yang menyebabkan goyahnya pola-pola kehidupan yang telah ada.
                  b.            Interaksi Sosial
Menurut Prof. Dr. Soerjono Soekamto di dalam pengantar sosiologi, interaksi sosial merupakan kunci semua kehidupan sosial. Dengan tidak adanya komunikasi ataupun interaksi antar satu sama lain maka tidak mungkin ada kehidupan bersama. Jika hanya fisik yang saling berhadapan antara satu sama lain, tidak dapat menghasilkan suatu bentuk kelompok sosial yang dapat saling berinteraksi. Maka dari itu dapat disebutkan bahwa interaksi merupakan dasar dari suatu bentuk proses sosial karena tanpa adanya interaksi sosial, maka kegiatan–kegiatan antar satu individu dengan yang lain tidak dapat disebut interaksi.
                  c.            Bentuk-bentuk Interaksi Sosial
Ada beberapa bentuk interaksi sosial, menurut Park dan Burgess (Santosa,2004:12) bentuk interaksi sosial dapat berupa:
                                                                  a)            Kerja Sama

Kerja sama adalah proses saling mendekati dan bekerja sama antarindividu, antara individu dan kelompok, atau antarkelompok, dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi kepentingan dan kebutuhan bersama. 

                                                                 b)            Akomodasi
Akomodasi adalah usaha-usaha manusia untuk meredakan suatu pertentangan. Akomodasi dilakukan dengan tujuan tercapainya kestabilan dan keharmonisan dalam kehidupan.
                                                                  c)            Asimilasi
Asimilasi merupakan bentuk proses sosial yang ditandai dengan adanya usaha untuk mengurangi perbedaan-perbedaan di antara orang-orang atau kelompok manusia. Bila kedua kelompok masyarakat telah mengadakan asimilasi, batas antara kedua kelompok masyarakat itu dapat hilang dan keduanya berbaur menjadi satu kelompok.
                                                                 d)            Akulturasi 
                                          Akulturasi adalah proses sosial yang timbul apabila terjadi percampuran dua kebudayaan atau lebih yang saling bertemu dan saling memengaruhi.

  • Waste

The place of fabric is  put out waste to the river everyday.

  • Award

Joe get award from G Companny, because all work is done.

  • Leisure
Leisure will be needed to eliminate the sense of fatigue someone.

  • Trekking
Maybe a trekking into the mountains is very fun.

  • Ordinary
Sometimes, justice is only sympathetic to the rich than the ordinary  person.

  • Remember
I always remember the advice my father and mother, because I know that’s the best for me.

  • Save
Gift’s given by the father and mother will I save.

  • Jogging
Sunday morning is a sultable activity to jogging.

Select the word that you think is most appropriate

Waste - Award - Leisure - Trekking - Ordidary - Remember - Save - Jogging

  1.  If you spend lots of hours in front if TV, that means you just Waste your precious time.
  2. When an actor receives an award his become double.
  3. Leisure activities have the same meaning as the free time activities. 
  4. Maybe an ordinary person in the street doesn’t know this. 
  5. Trekking is a long difficult journey.

General Election (Election) is the process of selecting people to fill certain political positions. Positions are diverse, ranging from the president, elected representatives at various levels of government, the village head. Election is one attempt to influence people in a persuasive manner (not forced) to perform activities of rhetoric, public relations, mass communication, lobbying and other activities. Although agitation and propaganda in democratic countries was heavily criticized, but in the general election campaign, agitation techniques and propaganda techniques used by many of the candidates or politicians always political communicator. In the election, voters in the election also called constituents, and to the participants in the election they offer promises and programs during the campaign. Campaigns conducted during the designated time, ahead of polling day. After the voting is done, the counting process begins. Election Winners are determined by the rules of the game or the system of determining the winner of which has previously been defined and approved by the participants, and disseminated to the voters. General Election of President and Vice President of Indonesia will next be held in 2014. This will be the third direct presidential election in Indonesia, and the elected president will have the job for the time period up to five years. Obligations of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is constitutionally barred from a third in the election.

Jakarta International School or the so called JIS is a private international school in Jakarta, Indonesia. Located on Jl. Terogong Kingdom 33 Cilandak, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. The school was established in 1951 for the children of expatriates living in Jakarta and an international primary and secondary schools in Indonesia. JIS has 2,400 students aged 3 to 19 years from 60 countries. Teachers who work in hundreds JIS representing 20 different nationalities. JIS students and teachers in using English. The school curriculum follows the model of North America from the school to grade 12. School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council of International Schools. U.S. State Department reported that the Jakarta International School curriculum has a strong international focus and consider it as one of the best schools abroad to prepare students enter universities in the United States. JIS has three campuses, two in SD in Pattimura and Pondok Indah, and the main campus for middle and high school in Cilandak, South Jakarta.

TransJakarta, or commonly known as Busway. Busway is a transport system Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and the first in South East Asia. Transport operates since 2004 in Jakarta, Indonesia. This system is designed based on the Trans Milenio successful system in Bogota, Colombia. TransJakarta was designed as a mass transportation support activities are very capital intensive. TransJakarta BRT system is to track the trajectory of the worl’s longest (208 km), and has 228 stops scattered in 12 corridor (lane), which operates from 5:00 to 22:00 pm. TransJakarta operated by TransJakarta Busway Management Unit (UPTB) under Jakarta Provincial Transport Department, which is fully responsible to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province. The idea of ​​the construction of Bus Rapid Transit project in Jakarta appeared around 2001. Later this idea was followed up by the Governor of Jakarta at the time, Sutiyoso. An institute called the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) becomes important that accompanies the planning process of this project. The initial concept of this system was made by PT. Copyright Pamintori, a transportation consultant who has frequently collaborated with the Jakarta Transportation Agency. In addition to private parties, there are several others who also support the success of this project, among them the American aid agency (U.S. AID) and the University of Indonesia’s Center for Transportation Studies (UI-CTS). TransJakarta started operations on January 15, 2004, marked with the inauguration of Corridor 1, with the aim of providing transportation services that are faster, convenient, and affordable for the citizens of Jakarta. Since the beginning of the operation of TransJakarta, ticket prices are set to be subsidized by the local government. In order to socialize and the introduction of mass transit is to the community, the first 2 weeks of operation (15-30 January 2004) TransJakarta users are not subject to tariffs. Starting February 1, 2004, rates for USD TransJakarta into force in 2000. Several post-inauguration development of Corridor 1 continue, among other bus drivers vacancies open to women, improvement of infrastructure and the bus stop, the implementation of special zones Women, placement officer at the bus, sterilization TransJakarta lane with manual and automatic portals, pilot contra-flow system (TransJakarta lane opposite to the general lines which intersect), as well as services for users with disabilities.

When we visited the town of Bekasi then we will see a river that runs in the middle of the city of Bekasi. River length of Purwakarta Jatiluhur to the area of ​​East Jakarta, Kalimalang river its name. The road along the time makes a very strategic area for residential and even commercial. Kalimalang itself actually is not the time or the nature of the river, but a man-made time, which aims to supply clean water from the reservoir. Since that time the water quality in the area of ​​Bekasi to Jakarta is not suitable for consumption. Then, why is called Kalimalang? Average time nature in West Java was always flows from South to North or North to South, because the coast of West Java in the north and the south. But Kalimalang river from east to west and transversely between existing natural time. Kalimalang made with natural position above the river that flows from South to North. Can be seen in the area Cipinang Melayu, Kalimalang position is above the position of crossing times Sunter Sunter Kalimalang toward the North and to the West. Kalimalang which has a length of 20 km, from Cawang (Jakarta) to Bekasi, village or region that covers along the river is New Cawang - Cipinang Melayu - Pondok Bambu - Coconut Cottage - Lampiri - Sources Arta - Transito - Jaka Permai - galaxy - Earth Dating Satria, Bekasi and Metropolitan Mall continues until the Bekasi area.

Gunadarma University (UG) or so-called Gunadarma, is a Private Higher Education in Indonesia. Its main campus is located in Depok, West Java. Gunnadarma was established on August 7, 1981. Gunadarma current motto is "Win the Future Current”. Rector Prof. Gunadarma. Dr. E.S. Margianti, S.E. M.M.
Gunadarma also commonly called the Gundar. Gundar history began in 1981. Currently it is still named Gunadarma University Computer Science Education Program (PPIK) opened the inauguration ceremony in Jakarta and generally regarded as the Birthday Gunadarma University. Four years later, PPIK changed its name to the School of Information Management & Computer Gunadarma (STMIK Gunadarma). 

Defintion of TEFL

TEFL is an acronym which stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

TEFL is most often used to describe the profession of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is one of the most commonly used acronyms in the language training industry.

TEFL is used similarly to TESOL and TESL. Many people consider the three acronyms to be almost interchangeable.

This term is predominantly used when English is being taught in a country where it isn't the native language (for example teaching English to Spanish people in Spain).

TEFL which involves teaching students whose first language is not English. Students range in age from childhood to adult. EFL courses can take place in state schools, private schools or special EFL schools, and can be found in almost every country around the world. TEFL usually involves refining students' speaking and listening skills through exposure to native speakers of English who are qualified English teachers, or who have a qualification in TEFL teaching from an accredited TEFL training college.

TOEIC Definition

TOEIC - Test Of English For International Communication: TOEIC is a test of English that concentrates more on English for business purposes. TOEIC is commonly used in Japan as a benchmark of proficiency in English when applying for employment (although this practice has not escaped criticism from prominent experts in language testing).
The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) measures the ability of non-native English-speaking examinees to use English in everyday workplace activities. 

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) test is used to Determine a person's level of proficiency in English. This test is intended for people who do not use English as their mother. Generally, this test is used as one of the Prerequisites for someone who wants to study or work in a country that uses English in everyday communication. In addition to the TOEFL, there are still some other test types are almost the same, ie IELTS, TOEIC and ESOL. TOEFL is developed and issued by ETS (Educational Testing Service), based in New Jersey, USA. This test was first Introduced in 1963.

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