Blogger Widgets

Have something done is a passive form in the English language. "Have something done" can be defined as everything which other people do or provide a service to us. To further clarify the intention of the above see example below:
  •  I cut my hair
  •  I have my hair cut
From both these examples, there is a difference of meaning, namely:
If the example of the first sentence is "I cut my hair" contains the sense that my own hair cut without care given by others. In contrast to the second sentence of the second example is "I have my hair cut" contains the sense that someone had cut my hair (meaning someone has to provide services to figure I).
There are formulas to make the phrase "have something done", namely:

Have + Object + Past participle

See some examples below:

  • We didn’t want to cook so we had a pizza delivered
  •  I had my car washed at that new place by the station
  • I had my watch fixed
Of the three examples above, are all examples of the phrase "have something done". In the example of the sentence means:
  • We do not want to cook so we order a pizza 
(Meaning our hero asks the service to others and others will be providing services to them
  • I have washed my car in a new place near the station

(Meaning a car wash has been providing services to figure I)

  • I have watched

Of the three examples above the words "had" to be replaced with "get" or "got" without changing the meaning.
  • We didn’t want to cook so we got a pizza delivered
  • I got my car washed at that new place by the station
  •  I got my watch fixed


"Have something done" in a slightly different context in the form of futures past. In the future before the word have / get should be added to the word "going to" which means plans made for the future. For example:

Past        : i had my watch fixed 
Future      : I am going to have / get my watch fixed

There is another example of a sentence using "will" which means that something has just been decided and will be done. For example:

  • I just noticed how  my suit is. I will have / get it cleaned soon. 


"Have something done" in the form of questions can be demonstrated when we love the new haircut of our friends, then we can ask where he cut his hair with example sentences as follows:

“Where did you have / get your hair cut?”

I asked with a mean figure cast of "you" (you) where he cut his hair, this figure implies I want to ask the ministry to cut his hair)


1.       I'm going to have my hair cut. 
2.       She's having her house redecorated. 
3.       I'm having a copy of the report sent to you 
4.       We're getting a new telephone system installed. 
5.       They will be getting the system repaired as quickly as they can. 
6.       I got the bill sent direct to the company. 
7.       John had all his money stolen from his hotel bedroom. 
8.       We had our car damaged by a falling tree. 
9.       I got my nose broken playing rugby. 
10.  They had their roof blown off in the storm.


Complete the sentences and make clear that the people don't / didn't do it themselves.
  1. Yesterday, (I / cut / my hair) .
  2. Every Friday, (Joe / wash / his car) .
  3. Tomorrow, (she / repair / her shower) .
  4. Each Saturday, (we / deliver / a pizza) to our home.
  5. Last year, (Bob / clean / his house) by a charwoman.
  6. As Phil had a broken arm, (he / type / his texts) by his secretary.
  7. (I / pick up / the goods) tomorrow in the afternoon.
  8. (we / redecorate / our walls) last summer.
  9. Whenever Clara is staying at this hotel, (she / carry / her bags) into her room.
  10. (we / organise / our last party) by professionals. 

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